Quality Care Carpet Cleaners Blog for August 2022 Rental Machines and How they are Not Good for You or Your Carpets I was reading information about rental machines, specifically Rug Doctor, and there are a lot of people out there trying to save money on carpet cleaning. More people than ever with the economy the way it is. I want to set the record straight on rented machines VS professional equipment. I will start with RUG DOCTOR and then come back with answers to their quoted wording with information you should think about before renting a machine and tackling cleaning a home carpet. Here is what they say word for word against using a professional company like mine. Words of Wisdom from RUG DOCTOR: Water removal is important because if too much dirty water is left behind, not only does it take longer to dry, but your carpet can also become a breeding ground for mold, fungus, and other unwanted nasty stuff. It also can make the carpet appear dirty. Suction power is the main driver of water removal. The more powerful the suction, the more water will be extracted. Texture retention is all about how well a carpet cleaning system treats your carpet during repeated cleanings. A Platinum Rating means a cleaning system will be kind to the carpet pile and your carpet will maintain its original texture. *1 Based on the CRI scientists’ ratings for all criteria, Rug Doctor Pro Deep Carpet Cleaner and solutions scored Platinum. This means, when used properly, the suction power and cleaning effectiveness of Rug Doctor deep cleaners and solutions is rated the same as professional carpet cleaning services by carpet experts. Response to #1 Water removal IS IMPORTANT this is true! But I have seen videos of Rug Dr Customers not satisfied with how the carpets come out and they are going over and over and over the same areas. Look yourself on You Tube! Suction power comes from a big engine. Gas Powered. Rug Doctor is a little machine, a little plug-in machine. Not even enough to trip your breaker box. That is the bottom line. There is no heat either. They suggest going over everything 2x in the extraction pass. This is because the suction power is not there. The machine is just not powerful enough. There are other things to consider too. When was it -the machine maintained or calibrated last? Who USED it last? Was it cleaned? Treated for other nasty things like BLOOD, VOMIT, URINE? COVID? Or was the last person to use this machine a You Tube Fan? Were they the person who heard that carpet cleaning kills FLEAS? GROSS! These are the usual reasons people RENT a carpet cleaning machine. Quality Care has equipment cleaning protocol, maintenance, and calibrating standards. We also are not exterminators. MYTH 2 – Once you buy the solutions and everything, you don’t really save that much money when renting vs hiring. TRUTH – You can save upwards of $200 when renting Rug Doctor vs hiring. *2 RESPONSE *2 Any carpet cleaner that is advertising a 3 room special for $99 should honor the special for what they say it is. We have a ~~~~~3 Room Carpet Cleaning Special $149~~~~in Auburn NY and surrounding areas. It is not bait and switch. It is REAL! We are a Family-Owned business not a Monster Company like Rug Doctor that just Owns a bunch of machines that wants to rent to you that lives in some mansion somewhere. We have a vested local interest in our community. We Live HERE! And talk about the pot calling the kettle. You will break your back moving all your furniture, vacuuming, cleaning, and they talk about the SATISFYING AFFECT YOU WILL FEEL? When you are done. More like EXHUSTED! Let's face it Carpet Cleaning is HARD WORK. We have been doing this 30 Years. We know. (Back to Rug Doctor) We have all seen the $99 3-room special the professional carpet cleaning services like to advertise. However, when you cut through the marketing, you will discover this is only about a $20 off coupon for a very basic cleaning of three carpeted rooms. It does not include the protection of the clean or odor removal (deodorizing). *3 It also does not include stairs, rugs, Response #3 ok--Hold the phone here--- If you are cleaning your stairs and rugs the exact same way you are cleaning your installed synthetic carpeting you are not quite cleaning them correctly. They could ripple, warp, all sorts of other complications. Especially if the area rugs are natural fiber. Or if the stairs are runners. What about spots on natural fiber carpets? Do you know that some spotters can MELT natural fibers? CAREFUL!!! Maybe you should call a PRO! (Back to Rug Doctor) *4 It also does not include stairs, rugs, furniture, and upholstery, or any other soft surfaces. Response *4 Again, if you don't know HOW to clean furniture properly then you are in for a world of trouble. There are codes of cleaning that are not easy to find. There are a whole line of special spotters and pre treaters JUST FOR FURNITURE. You don't walk on furniture; you shouldn't clean it like it's a carpet unless you want to buy new furniture. (Back to Rug Doctor) *5 It also does not include stairs, rugs, furniture, and upholstery, or any other soft surfaces. Response *5 Soft surfaces Like a mattress or cushions. You want to save money, so you bought one kind of cleaning solution. OXY Something for Rug Doctor. Now you are going to try to clean your mattress, remembering little Bobby had a urine accident on it. You clean it and it looks ok. It is still wet after cleaning it in the afternoon. Day 2- After fans all night on the mattress. There is a strong odor now coming from the mattress. Time for a new mattress. Or call a professional to try to fix the problem. HOPEFULLY, the Rug Doctor didn't force the urine too far into the mattress for our equipment to now reach. (Back to Rug Doctor) *6 Oxy clean RESPONSE to *6 Oxy Clean is a cleaning boosting agent and if not used properly can take the color out of certain items. Read your labels before use on anything, especially furniture. It will also set stains if it does not remove them. It should be rinsed out of any item it is cleaned with. It also should not be mixed with certain spotters as it has a bleaching effect. (Back to Rug DR) Each one of these areas or items are an extra cost of anywhere between $100-$200. You can rent a Rug Doctor Deep Carpet Cleaner for $39.99 for a 24-hour rental or $49.99 for a 48-hour rental. For an extra cost of $5.99 you can rent the upholstery tool. You can purchase our 96 oz Triple Action Oxy Carpet Cleaner that cleans, deodorizes, and protects for $23.99 and our 48 oz size for $15.99. Even after totaling the costs of the rental machine, upholstery tool, and cleaning solution, you still save hundreds of dollars compared to hiring a professional service to provide the same amount of clean! RESPONSE *6 COST!You get what you pay for. A professional will have a van FULL of spot removers, different cleaning agents for different items like furniture, carpets, area rugs, mattresses. We will have special deodorizers for Urine, smoke, vomit, and other malodors. Quality Care Carpet Cleaners had always kept our cost LOW Carpet Cleaning 3 Rooms $149 Auburn Area. But Rug Doctor is not adding in spotters (extra) deodorizers(extra) Scotch Guard (extra) One size cleaning does not fit all. Or additional charges if you don't get done in a day. Compensation if something goes wrong with the machine. Therefore, you should go with a professional. We will work with all budgets. (Back to Rug DR) MYTH 3 – Hiring professional carpet cleaners is more convenient than DIY carpet cleaning. *8 RESPONSE *8 Hiring a Professional is MUCH MORE CONVIENENT than renting a machine and spending a day of your time breaking your back cleaning. Which would you do???-- Kick up your feet and tell a 20-year veteran technician where you want a sofa moved to clean under or "Honey bring more WATER!" (Back to Rug DR) TRUTH – There is a Rug Doctor rental location within 5 miles of most neighborhoods, and it only takes 20 minutes to deep clean an average-sized room.*9 RESPONSE *9 I am not even adding in your gas cost. Waiting in line to get the machine. If there is a security deposit in case, you don't bring it back. The upsell of hand tools and Nothing comes with it like SHAMPOO, deodorizer, which is all extra. ADD IT UP!! OR 3 Rooms of Carpet Cleaning for $149 in the Auburn NY area (Back to Rug Dr.) Hiring may seem more convenient because the professionals come to you, but you are on their time and working within their schedule. Most carpet cleaning professionals give you a window of time when they will arrive and then you must be present (but out of the way) when they are cleaning. Getting your carpets cleaned by a professional service can quickly become an all-day event. *10 RESPONSE #10 An appointment with a professional company is booked PROFESSIONALLY. We have text updates on times, call first alerts, People go to work and leave doors open. Specific times can be set up to and within a 1/2 hour arrival.(Back to Rug Dr.) When you rent a Rug Doctor Pro Deep Carpet Cleaner, choose the time and day that works with your schedule. Chances are there is a rental location right around the corner. Find the location nearest you with our rental locator. On average, it takes about 20 minutes to deep clean an average sized room. If it is heavily soiled, it may take a little longer. Most customers report that they completed deep cleaning their homes in four hours. *11 RESPONSE *11 If you are taking from start to finish only 20 minutes to vacuum, move furniture and carpet clean including spot treatment in any one room, it is a VERY SMALL ROOM. We have trained technicians that can't do that with a truck that is PRE-loaded and ready to go with an on-board water system! Very unrealistic! I watched 2 You Tube videos; one had a construction worker clean 1 room and it took him 2 hours. He didn't like how the carpet turned out, so he cleaned it 2 more times. Total video time 3.5 hours. (Back to Rug Dr.) MYTH 4 – Hiring professional carpet cleaners is easier than renting and doing it yourself is hard. *12 RESPONSE *12 Let's look at that. Pick up the phone and Call or book online www.qualitycarecarpetcleaners.com ok you are done. or Call - reserve-------------- wait------------ go pick it up----------stand in line--fill out paperwork------------be upsold other stuff--find out the machine isn't all you need--buy more stuff to clean with-- PAY--load it all up-- prep your room-- OK NOW YOU ARE READY TO CLEAN CARPETS TRUTH – Rug Doctor provides videos, instruction guides, and 24-hour customer service to help you achieve the very best deep clean possible *13 RESPONSE *13 WONDERFUL, but that video does NOT have 30 Years of experience cleaning carpets or removing stains or knowing what it takes to remove traffic lane marks. That video isn't going to jump off the screen and help you clean. It's you back that is going to ache tomorrow. That video or those people who made the video dont LIVE HERE. They don't support YOUR COMMUNITY. Think about that. (Back to Rug Doctor) Okay, so it is easier to sit back and watch someone else do the work. That is hard to dispute. However, deep cleaning carpets yourself is not as hard as you may think. Rug Doctor provides tons of resources *14 to help you succeed. RESPONSE #14 SURE, they have videos to help you. They want you to rent again. All they have invested in is the machine. You are doing all the work! How easy is that! Rug Doctor rental machines are also intuitive and user friendly. Plus, you don’t get the same satisfaction from watching as you do from doing. There is a unique feeling you get when you pour all that dirty water down the toilet. *15 (REALLY?) Disgust from all the dirt and yuck you pulled out of your carpet and home, mixed with satisfaction from knowing your carpets and upholstery are truly clean and you did it yourself! We like to call it DISGUSTIFACTION. (WHAT??!) RESPONSE *15 Some people are born do it yourselfers. Like any SKILL there is a science in Carpet Cleaning. If you are not educated or skilled in proper carpet cleaning techniques, then having the fun of watching the dirty water go down the toilet is not a high point of my day. Back to Rug Doctor After reading through the myths and truths of DIY deep carpet cleaning, you can see that renting is an option worth exploring. Rug Doctor deep carpet cleaners provide the same level of clean as professional carpet cleaning services at a fraction of the cost. Give it a try! We want to hear about your experience. Share with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can now also find us on TikTok. FINAL THOUGHTS Final Response to Rug Doctor ***I would LOVE Rug Doctor to compete against Quality Care Carpet Cleaners in a head to head carpet cleaning competition in an in home setting comparing carpet cleaning machines machines.*** For the Consumers Out there in the Central New York area CONSIDERING renting a machine to Save money here is how I would describe our equipment : You can judge for yourself "A Crazy Monster Machine producing 200+ degree heat, so hot you can't touch the water hoses, and not having to run back and forth to the sink every 5 frickin' minutes, spilling dirty water all over your shoes and or the floor (Crap more cleaning to do), Tile power washing & dual wand capable (really!) The suction is so good you don't need 2 passes to get the water out of carpets, but we do two passes so carpets dry super-fast for customers! Leaving the carpets so clean one pass removes stains- kind of cleaning machine?" That is the Titan - Sorry, I love carpet cleaning Ok now to the responses on their comments above. |